Initiated by Simon Denny and the Kunstverein in Hamburg, Proof of Stake – Technological Claims takes on the nexus of power triangulated through technology, organization and ownership. The project brings together works that critically respond to the affordances of blockchain as a medium, alongside others that question the social implications of technology more broadly. These explorations are situated against meta- reflections on the museum itself: how, as a power-laden structure, it codes different possibilities for institutional representation by cleaving distinctions around what is classified as “technological” in the first place.

Drawing on artistic positions from around the world, Proof of Stake attends, from varied contexts, to the relationships between “technologies”, broadly considered, and the people who build, use, and profit from them. In some ways a follow-up to 2018’s Proof of Work at Schinkel Pavillon in Berlin, Proof of Stake takes its name from the much-vaunted “greener” mechanism for validating blockchain transactions, angling to outstrip its expensive cousin, proof of work, as the go-to consensus algorithm for cryptocurrencies like Ethereum.