Simon Denny is known for his research-based art projects, which have explored such themes as technology obsolescence, corporate culture, national identity, and internet politics.

As the New Zealand representative at the Venice Biennale in 2015, Denny is going to present Secret Power. His starting point was how the world is imagined and depicted by powerful states today.

Secret Power will take two venues in Venice: the historic Marciana Library in the heart of the city, and the new terminal at Marco Polo International Airport.

The project addresses the way that complex intelligence-gathering systems are represented visually, whether in sixteenth century Venice or the present day.
Denny’s Secret Power explores the Biennale, the Library, and the Airport as frames, hinting at geopolitical imperatives that cross-reference and distinguish each of them.
Produced in collaboration with designer David Bennewith, this fully illustrated volume will offer a guide and commentary to this complex, layered project. With essays by curator Robert Leonard and art critic Chris Kraus, and an interview with Amsterdam-based graphic designers Metahaven.

Co-published with Koenig Books.

Year: 2015
Author: Simon Denny
Contributors: With essays by curator Robert Leonard and art critic Chris Kraus. Interview with Amsterdam-based graphic designers Metahaven.
Publisher: Mousse Publishing, Koenig Books
Language: English
ISBN: 9788867491155