Disruptive Berlin is a subjective snapshot of the German capital’s mid-2010s ascent to a global tech startup hub, told through portraits of young companies, conferences, events, and business accelerators, all of which set out to “disrupt” existing industries. Centered on the city where Denny lives and works, Disruptive Berlin looks at how a city with no flagship industry to speak of became a European capital of tech business, attracting attention from Silicon Valley and beyond. Beginning when, around mid-2013, then-chancellor Angela Merkel visibly courted activity in the sector, early-stage tech companies have decamped to and sprung up across Berlin, launching conferences and hackathons and spawning an ecosystem rich with young founders (if not always rich with traditional venture capital).
Beginning with the eponymous exhibition at Galerie Buchholz in 2014, Disruptive Berlin draws from and dramatizes the visual cultures coming out of the city’s hyped identity as a startup hub, tracking the rhetoric and values of these companies – and the intrepid, ambitious, and in a word, disruptive founders, entrepreneurs, and bootstrappers who lead them.
Simon Denny, Marco Woldt: Seedcamp Incubator Startup Week Berlin
Simon Denny, Matt Goerzen: Deutsche Telekom Evernote Berlin Hackathon Intervention
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: 21 Application Programming Interface (API) Marketplace
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: 21 Hype Cycle
What is Blockchain?
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Where to find positioning
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Tech openair Berlin Zuckerberg first floor
Doing good is part of our code
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Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: Backfeed x Ethereum
Emergent Organisation Case Mod: GitHub/Hack desk/IdeaPaint
Zug Blockchain Startup Case Mod: Ethereum
Berlin Startup Case Mod: 6Wunderkinder
Berlin Startup Case Mod: iversity
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: BNY Mellon x Digital Asset
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: Augur x Ethereum
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Berlin Startup Case Mod: Dubsmash
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Zug Blockchain Startup Case Mod: Ethereum, Tribal
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: Australian Securities Exchange x Digital Asset
Berlin Startup Case Mod/Canvas: GoButler Magic Clone
Blockchain Principles Case Mod (Environmental Impact): Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: JP Morgan Chase x Digital Asset
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Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: Bitnation x Ethereum
Blockchain Future State Gamer Startup Case Mod Fleet: Ethereum Customized “Tristellar” Distributed Shuttle
Startup Casemod: Chris Poole’s Canvas
Berlin Startup Case Mod: Secret
Berlin Startup Case Mod: Snapchat
Berlin Startup Case Mod: ZenMate
Blockchain Future State Fintech Gamer Case Mod Deal Toy: Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) x Ethereum
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