Metaverse Landscape 24: The Sandbox Land (-173, -12); 2023; Oil on canvas, UV print, Ethereum paper wallet, dynamic ERC-721 NFT: 100×100×4,5cm.
Photo by Nick Ash.
Courtesy of the artist and Petzel Gallery, New York.

Metaverse Landscape 24: The Sandbox Land (-173, -12); 2023; Oil on canvas, UV print, Ethereum paper wallet, dynamic ERC-721 NFT: 100×100×4,5cm.
Photo by Nick Ash.
Courtesy of the artist and Petzel Gallery, New York.

Metaverse Landscape 24: The Sandbox Land (-173, -12); 2023; Oil on canvas, UV print, Ethereum paper wallet, dynamic ERC-721 NFT: 100×100×4,5cm.
Photo by Nick Ash.
Courtesy of the artist and Petzel Gallery, New York.

Metaverse Landscape 24: The Sandbox Land (-173, -12); 2023; Oil on canvas, UV print, Ethereum paper wallet, dynamic ERC-721 NFT: 100×100×4,5cm.
Photo by Nick Ash.
Courtesy of the artist and Petzel Gallery, New York.

Metaverse Landscape 24: The Sandbox Land (-173, -12); 2023; Oil on canvas, UV print, Ethereum paper wallet, dynamic ERC-721 NFT: 100×100×4,5cm.
Photo by Nick Ash.
Courtesy of the artist and Petzel Gallery, New York.